Gutterly Destructive: Avoiding The Damage Neglected Gutters Can Cause

Gutters aren't very exciting. They are above eye level and aren't something many homeowners think about until they overflow and cause damage. Unfortunately, the damage full and broken gutters can cause is extensive. Here are some tips for cleaning your gutters and for removing built-up snow and ice.

How to Clean Your Gutter

ā€‹1. Collect your gear. You will need a ladder, gloves, goggles, a bucket, a powerful hose, and a dust mask. If your home has more than one story, you should call in the professionals for safety reasons.

2. Carefully climb on the ladder and use your hands to remove all the leaves and debris. 

3. Hose out any remaining dirt and debris. 

4. Clean out the downspouts with the hose.

This is a dirty and often dangerous task; so if you don't feel up to it hire someone to come out. They can inspect your gutters at the same time and will let you know of any areas that are leaking or damaged. They can often repair whatever they notice quickly and efficiently. If your gutters are too full for too long, they will break and can damage your roof or walls. They should be cleaned and repaired every six months. 

How to Remove Ice And Snow

1. Use a roof rake. This is a long, wide rake that can be used to rake the snow off of your roof. Not only will it help your roof, but it will prevent that snow from melting and then freezing in your gutters. If you use it often the snow won't build up and it will be easier to remove. 

2. Spray hot water. Attach a long hose to an indoor faucet and turn the hot water on. The hotter the water, the faster the ice will melt. Carefully climb up on a ladder and spray the hot water all over your icy gutters. Make sure you do this when the temperature outside the house is above freezing so the water won't just refreeze and create even more ice.

3. Try some salt. Sprinkle some salt along your gutters to encourage the ice to melt faster. Salt lowers the freezing temperature of the ice, so as long as there is a small layer of water on top (which there usually is), your ice will melt faster and refreeze slower. 

4. Purchase a de-icing cable kit. These long, skinny cables lay in your gutters and will melt snow and ice when turned on. They work best if turned on before the snow starts. 

If you take the time to properly care for your gutters, they will protect your home for many years. Good luck!
