Are You Looking For A Janitorial Cleaning Service?

Have you recently started your own business? If so, you are more than likely also looking for a janitorial cleaning service. And, since your business is a new one, you are probably looking for an affordable janitorial service, right? In fact, you might have been doing the cleaning yourself, just to save some money. However, that might have gotten very old and you might realize that your time is worth more than the money you'll be spending to have the office space cleaned. From finding the right service to selecting what you want to have done by the cleaners, here are some ideas that might help you. 

The Right Service - Think of being creative in the way you find a janitorial service. For example, there might be some very responsible high schoolers who would appreciate the opportunity to make extra money by doing janitorial service. Think of talking to the principal at a nearby high school to see if he or she can recommend students who need a job. Another idea is to look on the bulletin boards at a nearby college campus. You might find notes that say something like, I'll work for you and I'm cheap. Just call this number! By calling the number given, you might end up hiring a college student who is working his or her way through college. It might be your own kids who want to earn extra money. For example, your kids could start their Saturday mornings by going to your place of business with you to do a thorough cleaning job. Your spouse might even join in. 

The Specific Work - Since you are focused both on getting a clean office space and on saving some money, consider hiring the janitor only a certain number of days throughout the week. For example, ask your other workers to keep their areas clean during the week and then just using the janitor on Friday or Saturday evenings after your business has closed for the day or perhaps even for the week. Keep a caddy of spray cleaners and paper towels nearby so that your workers can clean up things like a soda that was spilled inadvertently. Consider putting up clever signs in the break room that say things like You Mess It Up, Please Clean It Up - You Might Even Get A Bonus Candy Bar For A Super Neat Work Area! 

Contact a janitorial cleaning service such as First American Maintenance for more information.  
