3 Things To Know About Window Cleaning

If your home's windows are dirty, a good window washing can eliminate the grime. While you probably can easily wash some of your windows, others may be hard to reach. Window cleaning is also more work than expected, especially if you don't have the proper window washing equipment. If this is the case for your home, it may be best to leave window cleaning to the professionals. Here's what to know about window cleaning. 

When To Hire The Professionals

Knowing when to hire professionals is vital when it comes to window cleaning. Professional window cleaning services are an excellent option if your home's windows are particularly dirty. Also, if your windows aren't easily accessible, you'll likely want to leave this work to the professionals. For example, cleaning your second-story windows on your own using a ladder can be dangerous. Professional window cleaning is also something to consider if you want to improve your home's curb appeal. Professionally cleaned windows will stand out from the pack. 

How Much It Costs

The cost of professional window cleaning depends on how many windows you have, how easy they are to access, and how much dirt there is to remove. How your window cleaning professional sets their rates also varies. Some window washing professionals charge per window, while others charge by square footage or by the hour. Window cleaning sets the average homeowner back $149 to $296. Before hiring a company to clean your home's windows, discuss their rates and what's included. Many window washing companies offer window cleaning on the inside and outside of the windows. Window sills and tracks may not be included in their quote. You may also pay more to have skylights cleaned.

How Long It Takes

Another thing to know about window cleaning is how long it takes. Most window cleaning companies will send a two-person crew to tackle your home. Usually, it will take around three hours to clean the windows on an average-sized home. Of course, weather delays are possible. Often a window cleaning service will recommend that you have your windows cleaned when inclement weather is less likely. 

There are a few things to know about window cleaning. First, if you cannot clean your windows safely, it's best to hire a professional service to do it for you. Second, window washing costs vary, but usually, it will cost a few hundred dollars. Finally, window cleaning professionals can clean your home's windows within a few hours. 

Contact a local window washing service to learn more. 
